Home Features Inspiration for the Next

Inspiration for the Next


Martin Luther King.

A respected man.

“Let freedom ring!”

Gave us strength to stand

Now, nonviolence does not exist.

Who’s the next black male on the reaper’s list?

It seems like there’s no way that we can stop this.

Why is there no justice with one of us in office?

Martin Luther King.

A respected man.

“I have a dream.”

They could never understand.


As great as the last,

Inspiration for the next.

“By any means necessary,”

Let’s honor Malcolm X.

My natural hair may not be straight,

And my nose is not small and thin.

Although they try to teach self-hate,

He taught me how to love my skin.

As great as the last,

Inspiration for the next.

I love myself,

I owe it to Malcolm X.